Well, it's been over a year since I posted anything on this site. I guess in the world of interactive glasses, things fizzled out for me. I did pick up a pair of $40 "spy" glasses from Amazon to use for video recording. Surprisingly, they're working out well for recording (1080p) and I'm getting about as much useful out of them as I was from Google Glass. Funny how that works: $1500 for Google Glass and $40 for my spy glasses. Lesson learned.
On to HoloLens. I'm interested in this for a couple of reasons and turned off for a couple of more. First, it's nice to see someone else pushing forward with a wearable, useful system. Don't get me wrong, other than there being a pair of glasses that houses a computer, the two function quite differently. Google Glass was to enhance your life and be as inconspicuous as possible. Microsoft HoloLens is none of that. They're huge and bulky and ugly. The main difference is they seem to support a very specific purpose and aren't trying to be trendy or anything mainstream. Rather, they seem to be trying to be useful and innovative (not to say Google wasn't).
Here's where I stray from my excitement: $3000 for a developer version. Whew! It took everything I could muster to convince interested parties in my life that I should spend $1500 on Glass. How in the world am I going to convince anyone that $3k is going to fly. Since Google basically said "thanks" with a book as they dropped the program, I hesitate to be another explorer or developer or whatever anyone wants to call it. I'm all for crowd sourcing and getting product out for people to see, but I feel kind of like a fool after Google refused to fix my broken glass (out of warranty) and their only solution to repair services was to "buy another one."
In the end, I'm receiving emails from Microsoft telling me about HoloLens and I'm following its emergence into the market AND I would like to get my hands on some to see how they work within education BUT fool me once . . .